nina colors

“Almost” divorced:-)

Posted on: April 22, 2009

Ah, the art of getting divorced.  This has taken 3 yrs and a lot of  tears and exhaustion.  But yes, I consider it part of the “living” art.

Yesterday, I took 5 copies of my divorce decree (one each for husband and myself, one each for lawyers, one for court) to a notary to sign them!  It felt momentous in the midst of all the people going about their normal banking business. I hesitated only momentarily, and then said to myself “go Nina”.  I was back home in 10 minutes and the documents were on their way to my attorney’s office, to go to his attorney and then to him. (Do we wonder why lawyers drive Mercedes?)

After he signs next week, we meet w the real estate agent and the house should be on the market 48 hrs from then. 

This process has been a really interesting lesson in planning everything almost to the hour (old habits die hard), having it all go askew, and sitting with the frustration until the steam is completely out of my ears.  I have learned so much.  This is one of the best things I have ever done.  I am very, very grateful to all of you who have helped me thru it.

I must admit the mischievous part of me wanted to draw little pictures on the copies, but I can do that on my very own copy after it goes thru court:-D

4 Responses to "“Almost” divorced:-)"

I continue sending positive energy to you. 🙂
And I want to see the mischievous drawing when you got your copy back. *cheeky grin*

Go Nina! This is good news indeed. I raise my cup of fennel tea in a toast to you.

I’m adding my cheers, too. Yea, Nina! What spirit!

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